
To our patients,

We hope you have kept well during these challenging times.

We are contacting you to offer you an opportunity to schedule your postponed check-up appointment.

We have now, more or less, completed our backlog of outstanding and urgent treatments. We are still very restricted to a reduced number of patients each day – due to enhanced cross infection control requirements – but now feel we are in a position to safely provide a limited check-up service.

You will be made an appointment to attend for a check-up to examine your teeth and mouth and allow us to determine if any treatment is required. If it is determined that a simple scale and polish is required for dental health reasons we will endeavour to provide this at the examination appointment but there will likely be NO other active treatment on that day. If anything else is required, we will need to then organise a further visit for you to return.

Each dentist will have specific days and times to perform check-ups to allow the smooth running of the service. We will release a number of check-up slots at a time to prevent the service becoming overwhelmed. For fairness we have sent out these emails and texts in the order patients had their check-up postponed. If we have no slots remaining when you call, we will add your name to a waiting list and you will be contacted when the next batch of slots is released – before any further emails or texts are sent – so you will not lose your position in the queue.

Please do not encourage others to try to make check-up appointments based on this message. We will be in touch with everyone in order.

It is very important that we try to see as many patients as we can to screen for dental disease and oral cancer – in tandem with prioritising those with problems and emergencies. If you have any concerns, please get in touch.

We look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Please call us on 0141 632 0109 to book your appointment.